My husband and I went on an antiquing extravaganza this weekend. Since we weren't far from the venerable Genessee Valley Hunt Club, I was hoping to find something side saddle to buy. There were the usual selection of large and proportionally boring hunting prints but finally, I struck paydirt in a box of post cards.
Hello Ida Margaret,
How do you and Harold and Chauncey like it over at the farm? I suppose you are riding your father's horses like this girl does.
With love to all from,
Mary somebodyorother
It seems the sides have been trimmed, probably to remove a century of fuzzy edges. Postcards are fun, even when they're addressed to someone else.
I eventually found a bamboo and deer antler riding crop, but for $40, it wasn't in the best condition. The tip was gone. It must have been wrapped with string or leather at one time. Since I've never taken the time to educate myself on prices and such, I didn't want to rush headlong into it for $40. At 25 or 30, I probably would have, and I'm not missing it too badly today.
It was short, no longer than 24" so I'm thinking it could have been a child's crop. It was labeled as a "gad about cane" silly people! It had a sterling silver ferrule on it, engraved "Julia Marie Batavia, NY". At it's length, it wouldn't have been useful to me other than for display. Perhaps, if it is still there next time I will feel differently.