Sunday, March 6, 2011
Tiny note on saddle fit...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011
That's why they call it a Horse SHOW

This show has a lot of "open" pleasure classes, so rather than show aside in the breed hunt seat division, I would probably target the Open Ladies Pleasure class. Open Road Hack would also be an option, but I'm not going to assume at this point that either an extended trot or a hand gallop will be in my repetoire, especially in a ring full of horses since Road Hack is a pretty popular class. What could be more appropriate than Ladies Pleasure aside? The best part is that I wouldn't have to look the part of either a modern hunter or a saddle seat horse. I could go a little vintage and stick to the broader style of "english" show hack or what we would have called a "bridle path hack" 30 years ago.

Whether I am showing under hunt seat rules or saddle seat rules, I have the choice of either a pelham bit or a double bridle. I can also use a derby (bowler) under either division. So I was thinking a nice cutaway habit in dark grey with a grey derby and a canary vest and a men's tie. I'd use a flat leather bridle with a pelham, and then add a little bling with a retro ribbon browband in a conservative color, maybe something like this in charcoal and creamy yellow to match my habit and vest.
So as not to offend officianados of hunt seat style by adding "bling", I would probably lean a little towards saddle seat style and not braid his mane or trim his tail, turning him out instead, like a country pleasure Saddlebred. A ribbon browband might be a little out of date in saddle seat, but still acceptable by traditional standards. You buy one, or get a kit to make your own at the linked website.

But if I am feeling very stylish, I can also shoot for a costume class, and go completely vintaage. I loved Michelle's linen habit seen here . Which is very similar to one of my very favorite linen habits.
I mean, why dress up like everyone else? That's why they call it a Horse Show!
Although I am a big fan of the discipline, I've never been a big fan of Saddle Seat attire. I do love formal 3 gaited with the top hats and ribboned pants, but unless you spend more money on your habit than I usually do on my horse, you usually look like you're wearing your Daddy's hand me down Sunday suit.
Above I am showing a Walk Trot horse for a friend in a suit Mom made for me. I loved that chestnut top hat, and recently sold it to Julie from Riding Aside for her outfit.
I've always said if I had a really nice horse, so I wouldn't look like a dork, I'd go retro and show in flared johdpurs and a straw hat. Now that looks elegant....