My interest in side saddle lurked in the back of my subconscious until two years ago when an internet friend took the plunge and bought a side saddle. When I heard she had done so, and started a blog about it, my interest popped to the surface with a passion. I followed her journey, and began researching the seat. Then I bought a stirrup! It's a very cool stirrup, and it has been sitting on a nicknack shelf with other vintage horse items taunting me ever since.
About a year ago I told my husband that I was saving to buy a sidesaddle, and since then all our spare household cash has gone to the saddle fund. You would be suprised how can refunds, mail in rebates and spare change will add up. I now have enough money for the saddle (if not the shipping) and today I mailed a wither tracing of my horse to a seller to see if this saddle will fit my horse.

My 40th birthday is Saturday. It's now or never. Hang on and stay tuned. This ought to be interesting.
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